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%Waterfall Fountain *MESH* Delivery Box

%Waterfall Fountain *MESH* Delivery Box
%Waterfall Fountain *MESH* Delivery Box
0 Resenhas

This listing is for a concrete fountain with nicely patinaed copper parts. The concrete and copper textures were baked. The concrete and water have materials activated.

This item has options for having the water on or off, as well as being able to set the water sound soft, loud, or off.

The fountain works better in the center of an area rather than against a wall, due to it showing from both the front and back, and having an oval base. You *could* place it against a wall, if you were able to allow for a portion of it to hide within the wall. The shadows are not made for this type of display, but if that's not an issue, go for it!

The fountain comes to you at a decent size, but would also look nice made bigger if placing it in a large, open area, such as a plaza. Please be aware, resizing any mesh may raise its Li.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to send me an IM. Thanks! :)

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L$ 100

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Vendido por: Plato Novo

Terreno necessário

This item requires that you have access to land in Second Life in order to use it.

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Mesh: 100% Mesh
Impacto no terreno: 2