Wheel of Fortune - linden prize giver - traffic booster - freeplay game
Wheel of Fortune - linden prize giver - traffic booster - freeplay game
1LI mesh and great LOD !
1. Rez the Wheel of Fortune.
2. Wait for and give debit perms before use. Device will not function or spin without debit perms.
Players clicks to spin the Wheel of Fortune. First to click gets the go. Each spin of the wheel lasts 10 seconds. After winning or losing a 5 second timeout takes place before next spin is ready. A random prize is calculated between one and the maximum prize value for each new spin of the wheel. If the player is lucky they will win the prize value shown in hovertext while spinning. If unlucky an Aww no win takes place and after 5 seconds its ready for the next spin.
Delivered with a 33 percent chance of payout, a maximum prize of 3 L$ and a pot of 25 $L. When the 25 L$ pot is used up the wheel of fortune auto dies and messages the owner with a click link to its location to rez a new wheel if desired.
Players must be in 20m range, (chat range), to use the wheel. Camera mode cheaters will be ignored and owner will be messaged who they are and their attempted play distance.
Out of the box the Wheel of Fortune is set for a 33% chance of winning, with a max prize for a winning spin of 3 L$, and a total pot of 25 L$ before the machine dies. These three parameters can be set by the owner. Edit the product description then reset scripts ( or take and re-rez the wheel ) to set your own parameters.
There are three parameters the owner may wish to set, as follows:
1 - Winning percentage. If you wanted to give the player a 10% chance of winning, ( 1 in every 10 spins on average), the first parameter in the product description would be the value 10. A 1% chance would average one payout per 100 spins. a 100% chance would payout every spin.
2 - Maximum prize value. The second parameter in the product description will be the max L$ paid out for any one winning spin. Set to 5, a winning spin would pay the player 1,2,3,4 or 5 L$ depending on their luck for that particular winning spin.
3 - Total pot value. The third and final parameter to set is the pot value. This is the linden value you are willing to pay out before the machine stops and auto dies. Set to 100, the wheel would be playable and pay lindens to winners until you've paid out the pot total, 100 L$, plus the value of the final winning spin once the pot value has reached 0.
During use the Wheel of Fortune will show player, prize value for a winning spin, pot value and pot amount used in hovertext. Owner receives a message when it pays out. Owner receives a message when the pot value is used up with a click link to its location.
The machine will not function if debit perms are not given. After setting your parameters in the product description reset the scripts. To set your chosen parameters, rez the wheel of fortune, right click it, Edit > Product Description, and enter your three values, comma separated. Then click content tab and reset scripts and give debit perms once more.
The owner is messaged with winners names and amount won, and when the machine is empty. If the owner is offline these messages should appear when next logging in to update the owner of the action.
See / test / play inworld and vid link below. Note the inworld demo has a low payout at 3% chance of winning, for obvious reasons. But hey ! You could be lucky ! Give it a whirl !
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