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Wilma the Rocking Chair Witch and her Little Cat Too!, Greeter 2LI Mesh

Wilma the Rocking Chair Witch and her Little Cat Too!, Greeter 2LI Mesh
Wilma the Rocking Chair Witch and her Little Cat Too!, Greeter 2LI Mesh
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Wilma the Rocking Chair Witch and her Little Cat Too!, Greeter 2LI Mesh

Have a hearth or porch that needs to get into the Halloween Spirit? Invite Wilma to stay for the season. She doesn't take up much room (or land resources), and is quite happy to just rock back and forth with her little cat Too. When someone comes within 5m of her she will say, ever so sweetly, if not sincerely, "I've been expecting you, said the spider to the fly!" and then give and erie reverberant laugh.

She is copy/mod (scripts are copy only) so she can have doppelgangers or be shrunk down to tiney size.

Come see this and many other seasonal decorations trees, flowers, and crops in my in-world garden.

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L$ 249

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Vendido por: CaraCali Nova

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