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Witch's Layer V1.1

Witch's Layer V1.1
Witch's Layer V1.1
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The perfect little home for any witch. This is a complete build. Each piece is separately linked so that you can move it about the little house. Touch lights on the outside that you can either touch on off or set to automatically go on with the rise and set of the sun. Poison apple sits upon your spell book while you brew the finest of potions. This home has a eery green light about it making this the perfect setting. This even includes the path to the door, the little Cherry Tree out front and the pots of poisonous plants at the front door.

Don't take my word on it come on over and rez it in my Holovend and see for yourself. Excellent quality, Detailing that you will make you long for this exciting little cottage.

Home Includes: landscaping base, cherry tree, bed of flowers, and poisonous plants in cauldrons at the door, furniture with sit poses inside, fireplace touch on off, lights and many other detailed home items.

If you have any questions: Shoot me a Notecard. I also do custom builds should you want something and just can't find it.

Home of the Hell Pit Kids - get your little vampire or demon baby today.

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  • Casper Vend Rez System
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L$ 75

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Demon Designs: by Lillith
Demon Designs: by Lillith
Vendido por: Lillith Reanimator

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