black wallpaper 8

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10 Textures

I also offer other Textures.
Like all Textures alone.



The purchasing of this texture kit grants you limited usage rights on the textures within the kit with the following terms.

You may use these graphics as textures applied to prim builds of your own creations within Second Life.
You may then sell or distribute that prim creation which uses the texture on its surface with limited permissions.
If you wish to sell a full perm build that uses one of my textures you must get written Note Card consent from me first.
You may use the textures UUID's within scripting as long as the script is then only distributed with modify turned off.

Some of what you are NOT allowed to do.

You are not allowed to re-sell or distribute the textures in this kit in bundles, kits, or individually in any way.
You are not allowed to transfer the texture files to other avatars.
You are not allowed to share the texture fileswith your friends. (you may end up getting your friend in quite a bit of trouble when they go to use something they are not licensed for)
You are not allowed to leave the textures out in texture organizers others can take from.
You may not use scripts as a way to distribute the texture.
You are not allowed to use the images/textures on a website. (contact me if you wish to discuss website usage)
You are not allowed to distribute these textures within the contents of a prim.
You are not allowed to distribute these textures within the contents of a note card.
You are not allowed to use, sell, or distribute the textures/graphics outside of Second Life in any way.
You are not allowed to modify these textures in any way for resale or transferring.
You may not use ignorance as an excuse!

Using the texture in a build and then distributing that build in any way is signifying that you agreeing to these licensing terms.

Failure to abide by the terms of this agreement will be in violation of the DMCA and legal action may be taken for any infringement.
Violating these terms will revoke your limited usage rights and result in a report to Linden Labs under the American DCMA Copyright Act.

Loveless Lavendel
Copyright 2010



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Loveless Lavendel
Loveless Lavendel

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Esse item será entregue diretamente a você ou a um amigo do Second Life, desempacotado e pronto para o uso. Não são necessários terrenos ou sandboxes.

  • Copiar
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  • Licenciado para o usuário
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