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cyberpunk HoverBike mesh 0.3 sHi 11112021

cyberpunk HoverBike mesh 0.3 sHi 11112021
cyberpunk HoverBike mesh 0.3 sHi 11112021
1 Resenhas

cyberpunk HoverBike, try to drive smoothly and easy by flying through the streets of megacities on secondlife! single seat sounds during use! you can see it live on neuromancer2020 impact on the ground 30LI
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This'll teach me not to check perms
full star full star full star empty star empty star Postado(s) 20/09/2023 por Samuel Whizenhunt

I am so used to creators sensibly making their vehicles copy/mod these days that I stupidly didn't check.

The design and scripting of this is fine. But it's NO COPY. In what world is a vehicle that will be used to cross sim borders sold as no copy in 2023? Well, this one I get, and I should have checked.

Also, as with all builds inexplicably sold as no mod, it suffers from a lack of customisation. For example, the engine lights are on even when it's stopped. I have a simple script that would turn them on only when in flight... but it's no mod.

Sad really, but it was only 99L, so I can't really complain. Hence the 'good enough' 3-star rating.

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L$ 99

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sensory's industries
sensory's industries
Vendido por: sensory Hax

Terreno necessário

This item requires that you have access to land in Second Life in order to use it.

Funcionam com avatares sensory's industries
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Mesh: 100% Mesh
Impacto no terreno: 30