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enigma communicator Versão 1

enigma communicator
enigma communicator
0 Resenhas

enigma communicator
--secure, unrecordable, communication

This item allows 2 avatars to communicate privately while both wearing a copy of the hud while in the same region in SL.


reset - reset script, generate a new 4096 byte one time pad.
-upon using this, detach the hud and give to someone to communicate securely with.

load - unpair from partner but load current 4096 byte one time pad from memory.
-upon using this, click pair to link your hud with a partner's. Use this instead of reset if you do not need to give them another hud. When you detach your hud you may keep copies on a per partner basis. If they do the same, you do not need to give them another hud since the 4096 byte pad is retained. It is advised to use reset every 4096 characters typed and re-give huds. Edit the hud and check the number in it's description field for the current pad position.

pair - connect to partner hud.
-after giving this hud to someone, instruct them to click pair to connect securely with you.

Left text column - this is a clickable keyboard used to send the secure messages. The spacebar is after "L". Text will appear on the right text column.

Right text column - Full duplex 40 character display buffer shows incoming text from both partners as it is being typed. If both partners are typing at once. the letters will weave together.

Upon reset, the hud uses llGenerateKey() to make a list of 256 new keys at 16 bytes each or 128bit. This 4096 byte pad is used to xor each letter as they are typed and sent. The partner hud will have the same 4096 byte pad and upon xoring again will obtain the original letter sent.

The data the hud sends via llRegionSay() is encrypted in this manner to avoid any possible wiretapping. The xor pad is sent to your partner when you give them a copy of this hud you just detached. After giving the hud, reattach it and instruct them to click pair.

  • 4096 byte one time pad xor encryption.
  • on screen keyboard.
  • full duplex 40 character buffer.
  • secure private communication in SL

L$ 50

Adicionando ao carrinho como presente


kranzworth media
kranzworth media
Vendido por: Magenta Cerulean

Usar agora

Esse item será entregue diretamente a você ou a um amigo do Second Life, desempacotado e pronto para o uso. Não são necessários terrenos ou sandboxes.

Este item contém itens de vestuário para seu avatar.

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  • Licenciado para o usuário
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