fire pit

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This is a nice fire pit great for any deck , patio , fits most decor and it is safe in areas that drought is a problem. if it catches anything on fire IM me cause i want to see it. now i could make it explode but what is the fun in that.

keywords goth , cyber goth , vampire , vampire , goth fire place vampire furniture , goth furniture



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full star full star empty star empty star empty star Postado(s) 09/11/2008 por Nova Fhang

First I tried to rezed it in my house. It ended up in the wall. I had to move part of my house to finally find it to take it. Then Rezed it outside. I could not reposition it. Every time I went to edit it, a huge beige blob appeared. I dared not try to res it inside again & deleted it. I gave it 2 stars because it was free & I am not out anything but a lot of time.

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Jerry Leonard

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