10 MINUTE AUTO DIE DEMO. Full Region, full sim, Water and Island. 256m x 256m. Utilises Caspervends Large build rezzer to rez inworld and align. Part mesh, part Mega prim. LI count is 31.
The paid version of the rezzed water and island is Yes copy Yes mod, but use Modify with caution. The mega prim sand and water bases must not be resized but can be tinted and retextured. Resizing the base will snap it to 64m.
The rezzed build consists of a sand base, two water layers (can enter water - depth approx shoulder height) and 3 large island components to complete the whole build.
Work in fly mode so you don't get pushed off region.
Goto centre of your region.
Rez the Casper large build rezzer.
Click the rezzer and choose Rez
Use the rezzer box to position the build
Once happy click the rezzer box and choose Finish
This Demo comes with a LM to a sandbox to test the product. Be in flymode. Vid link below