The MAGIC BOOK is a simple prop book that uses Second Life shared media to display different covers. You can change the cover to most books for which you can find an identifier, including
- Title
- ISBN numbers (10 digit or 13-digit)
- OCLC identifiers from the non-profit OCLC Online Computer Library Center
- LCCN identifiers (Library of Congress Control Number)
- OLID identifiers (Open Library)
If you don't see the covers changing, go into your viewer preferences and set media to auto-play. (The location of this setting varies by viewer: in the default Linden Lab Viewer it's in Preferences > Sounds & Media > Allow Media to auto-play.)
Demo is fully featured but expires after 15 minutes of use.
- Set to (almost) any book you want—uses shared media for covers
- Search by title, ISBN, or other identifiers like OCLC and Open Library ID
- Dynamically changes size and colour to match book
- Free updates
- Demo is full featured, but expires after 15 minutes of use