shooting falling stars (60 m) in your sky coming from every direction Versão 1

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shooting falling stars in your sky coming from every direction

there are 2 versions included:

-a normal version, to rezz in the middle of your parcel
-an offsim version, to rezz in the middle of your parcel and then drag to/over the edge of the sim

use the dimension of the stars that fits on your parcel

touch "ctrl alt t" to see transparant items
then rezz the stars in the middle of your parcel

edit on the stars to drag it about 70 meters up in the sky or as high as you want

not so experienced users can fly and drag the stars up and up
experienced users can edit and "shoot" the stars 70 meters up in the sky

touch "ctrl alt t" again to see normally

have fun with my shooting stars



  • shooting / falling stars
  • normal and offsim
  • sky enhancher
  • romantic and loving
  • make wishes for the best future


Classificação média: full star full star full star full star full star
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great stars!!
full star full star full star full star full star Postado(s) 23/07/2011 por Saronda Jewell

Falling stars... may they give me luck!! I like seeing them in the sky!

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HQ design factory
HQ design factory
Vendido por: Rezz Millar

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