statue Forest Flower terrace garden

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name: Jad Garden - statue Forest Flower terrace garden

description:Nice flowery terrace with shrubs, trees, grasses and statue, for a relaxing spot in your garden to hang out, meditate or just enjoy nature.
25 prims ( prims will vary with size )


We sell natural looking plant/rock/tree arrangements and try to offer you a wide variety of designs. Trying to limit the number of prims without compromising on quality of the arrangements. Some are simple, to use in many different places, others have more elements and are bigger.

We hope you enjoy to combine them to create your own natural green paradise. You can resize them to fit in your landscaping.

→ trees
→ statue
→ shrubs
→ flowers
→ ferns, plants and grasses



  • statue Forest Flower terrace garden

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Postado(s) 15/02/2023 por tweets 4 estrelas

my fault for buying without looking. I've never seen a landscape item be no mod. Nothing wrong with the item.. i just wanted to edit it to fit my space better and take out things i didnt like. I dont understand why it has these permissions.

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love this

Postado(s) 31/08/2021 por MsLoveline 5 estrelas

i actually used it in an underwater world

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  • 4.67 estrelas 3 Resenhas

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