This Store

tarte. tree marquee

tarte. tree marquee
tarte. tree marquee
0 Resenhas

This is a gacha item. Gacha items are no copy, but transferable items, which can be resold. Quantities are limited, and all purchases are final.

The listing is for the item shown in the title. I am not the creator of this item, and cannot replace or redeliver.

If you buy something in this store, it will go directly to your inventory. You will generally find it in your received or object folder, like any other item you purchase.

Real Body is not responsible from the loss your item for any reason.

To ensure effective transaction, please do not buy when you are not in-world, or when you are in a laggy place.

- No empty boxes in this store. You get what you pay for.

- No refunds. Please don't buy any item you are not sure.

- Please don't buy as gift. It is already transfer item.

Thank you for your purchase!

  • Transferable

L$ 50

Adicionando ao carrinho como presente


(Quantidade limitada)
No Illusions
No Illusions
Vendido por: RobinLeia

É necessário desempacotar

Esse item requer que você encontre um lugar no Second Life (como uma sandbox) para desempacotá-lo e usá-lo.

empty star empty star empty star empty star empty star
0 Resenhas
  • Copiar
  • Modificar
  • Transferir
  • Licenciado para o usuário
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