This Store
Epitome of Design
Epitome of Design
Vendido por: EpitomeLove
entrou: 17/06/2011

Prefab Housing, Garden, Botanica, Garden Furniture, Furniture, Cottage, Villa, Low Prim, House, Home, Designer, Custom, Flowers, Plants, Trees, Textures,Condo, Quality, Chair, Bench, Couch, Bed, Table, Faucets, Lighting, Lamp, Roses, Water, Fountains, Patio, Decor, Kitchen, Bathroom, Tub, Sink, Cabinets, Clothing, Accessories, Tops, Shoes, Skirts, Pants, Shorts, Lingerie, Women's, Men's, Mesh, Avatar, Appliers


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Please let me know if I can be of any assistance. I highly recommend reading any included notecards. They could save everyone from a lot of distress and drama.

Refunds/Exchanges will be done at my discretion.
To contact me or any of my store managers please send a notecard with your name, the item name, date of purchase, and transaction number

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