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Truman Attire & Clothing Truman Meadow Farm Incredible Edibles
Truman Attire & Clothing Truman Meadow Farm Incredible Edibles
Vendido por: EvenPar Elman
entrou: 05/12/2009

Truman Attire & Clothing is a combined work of talent and design by Evan Truman. His love of design and craftsmanship brought his talents and experience together developing a unique line of clothing in the casual and athletic look of todays fast moving culture. Although the store and line of apparel is new to the market, it is fresh with a smart look for almost any occasion.

Truman Meadow Farm Incredible Edibles are DFS Digital Farming System edible food to restore your DFS energy. Hard work and long hours go into each product to ensure customer satisfaction.


All sells are final, no refunds, only replacements of like item with issue problems. If you have difficulty with delivery or rezzing, contact Evenpar Elman (Evan Truman) or Jasira Mynx (Jasira Truman) for assistance.

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