This Store
{IG} fashion - The Street Squirrel Company
{IG} fashion - The Street Squirrel Company
Vendido por: Caninye
entrou: 29/11/2013

Hi :)

I like to create funny, useful and what-i-like stuff in SL, mostly clothes. If you have any questions or requests, just IM me inworld!

If you are in search for something and can't find it - maybe a special color or fabric - please contact me inworld. If it is possible i'll do it :)

{IG} fashion (c) & (c)
& The Street Squirrel Company (c)
& furia (c) by Caninye Resident

{IG} fashion, Street Squirrel & Dinkie clothes is 10% inworld group discount - and a lot more than on MP!


Due to LL's new policy regarding child avatars i hereby declare that clothes that might fall under these ToS are under no circumstances intended to use with child or childlike avatars.

In case of any issues pls contact me inworld with a description of the issue :)

ty in advance!

Loja no SL

Filtros de pesquisa:


L$0 – L$10159010

L$11 – L$100377011100

L$101 – L$5001756101500

L$501 – L$1.000415011000

L$1.001 – L$5.000510015000

Acima L$5.00105001


Impacto no terreno:



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