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Eagle Clawtooths Creations / Got Yo Gacha
Vendido por: Eagle Clawtooth
entrou: 22/12/2007

Building intriguing items and blend old and new to perfect your Second Life experience.Household furniture, Artworks,Tip Jars,Helmets,Textures,AO maps Custom Paint and other fantastic inventions. Mesh Sculpted Prim Building.Also check out Got Yo Gacha inworld store providing quality Gacha Items from all the great Gacha Designers and Builders.Many Rares,Retired and Uncommon Gachas.


Not responsible for no copy items.If you have an issue drop me a note card and I will address your problem promptly.I will however help you repair or replace any of my builds damaged during modifying if applicable and if you are looking for a custom design or mod feel free to IM me or drop a note card and I will do my best to help you achieve your goal.

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