This Store
Beloved Jewelry
Beloved Jewelry
Vendido por: Kimbra McMillan
entrou: 27/05/2007

Beloved Jewelry sells fine formal and everyday jewelry. Original mesh designs that you won't find anywhere else! Wedding ring sets and bridal jewelry are also available.

Wedding ring sets include men's wedding ring band, women's engagement ring, and women's wedding rings with the engagement ring sautered together. Sets are available in platinum, silver, gold, pewter, and/or texture change sets where you can change the meta and/or gemstonesl on the rings.

Jewelry sets are also available. Most jewelry is transferrable to be given as a gift.

Don't forget to join the group for special prices and member gifts. Be Loved By...

Two Store Locations:
Beloved Jewelry Main Store :
Beloved Jewelry :


Most jewelry is transferrable so they can be given as a gift.

Most jewelry is modifiable except for earrings, gifts, and dollarbies. Jewelry may show as no modify in inventory due to permissions on scripts.

If you need help on resizing any jewelry, please IM or send a notecard to Kimbra McMillan in world.

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Filtros de pesquisa:


L$0 – L$10168010

L$11 – L$10015811100

L$101 – L$500669101500

L$501 – L$1.000525011000

L$1.001 – L$5.000010015000

Acima L$5.00105001


Impacto no terreno:



Não exibir:

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