- Perfil
KaliKo was inspired by Deadwood 1876 and other frontier/wild west sims. I started off with prairie dresses and have since diversified to other eras and styles, hence the name change to KaliKo - Timeless.
I make clothes as a hobby, a creative outlet, and I only do it when I'm inspired, usually when I get involved in a new RP sim, or I am inspired by a new style. Its not uncommon for me to go long periods of time without putting out anything new, so those of you wishing for more, I appreciate your support and apologize for delays!
I also do not create my own meshes - yet. But part of the creative process for me is to take a mesh or a sculpt or another template and create something new with it. Maybe one of these days I'll learn "Blender"
- Políticas
Most items are copy/mod/no transfer, unless stated otherwise, like with mesh items. So before you adjust a prim part, please do make a copy. If you have an issue with delivery please contact me directly, with date, time and item transaction details! Preferably by notecard in world, or copy/paste transaction and paste into an email and send to
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KaliKo - Timeless por Kaliope Karas
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KaliKo - Timeless por Kaliope Karas
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KaliKo - Timeless por Kaliope Karas
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KaliKo - Timeless por Kaliope Karas
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KaliKo - Timeless por Kaliope Karas
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KaliKo - Timeless por Kaliope Karas
0 Resenhas