This Store
CSC - Crossing Sands Customs
CSC - Crossing Sands Customs
Vendido por: LittleUnicorn Meredith
entrou: 17/12/2007

I use only high quality stuff and animations in my products..
please be patient, i just started my business and every company begins with the first product^^ , but i will work my butt off to be able soon to offer you new products from CSC - Crossing Sands Customs.


- we sell only copy-modify-NO TRANSFER items
(except giftcards, they are only transfer)

- we have a redelivery kiosk inside the store (only
no transfer items will be redelivered)

- please shop wisely! we do not offer refunds.
you can rezz demos for testing
- also "wrong bought" stuff will not be refunded
(at the multi item vendors the big picture in the
middle shows the i

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