This Store
Isablan Neva
entrou: 25/11/2004

Builder of fantasy home items, including skyboxes, furniture and spas. Most furniture has animated poses, some bed pieces have "adult" animations.

I joined Second Life in 2004 after reading an article about it in the LA Times. I started building in early 2005 and opened my first store in early 2006.

My stores support The Botanical Gardens, a public garden open to all. Please visit and stop to enjoy the roses :)


I will always redeliver items that SL has failed to deliver. I will do some custom work - depends on the complexity and time commitment. Set up assistance of skyboxes is free, just let me know your needs. I am happy to have rental businesses use my products - let me know if you are renting my skyboxes so I can keep you on a list for when customers ask.

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