This Store
Lovely Alien
Lovely Alien
Vendido por: Seven Paragorn
entrou: 05/02/2009

Welcome to Lovely Alien! You can find avatar accessories, shoes and oodles of cute stuff here!

★ New clothing and shoes are made to fit the Matireya body.

★ Individual item colors from fatpack sets can be found in my in-world store.

Can't find what you're looking for? Check my in-world store or send me a notecard.


★ No returns on Copy items.

★ I will refund accidental double-purchases. Please send me a notecard if something didn't get delivered or you have a problem.

★ Please always try a demo. Any home and garden items are displayed at my in-world store.

My instant messages get capped a lot so notecards are the most reliable way to reach me.

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