#038 Spider FULL PERM
#038 Spider FULL PERM
•2 texture full perm
Please do not sell FULLPERM.
Do not sell to 0 Linden.
Distribute this product part of your creations.
Distribute this product "copy mod / no transfer" "transfer / no copy no mod".
♥ ♥ ♥ Thank you for your interest in our product ♥ ♥ ♥
• If you meet ANY problem, contact me BEFORE to write your review. To fix an issue you have to contact the creator first, and that for all second life stores, not only mine.
* Thank you
Prim depends on size from 1 to 6 approx.
Prim depends on size from 1 to 6
useful for their work. thanks for the gift . worth 1 Lind is a gift))))
High in LI
Nicely made but it's high in LI. It's what I needed but it's so tiny you have to zoom in on it just to see it and the LI is 6 which is really high for such a tiny object. I could not use it for what I needed it for.
I'm not going to throw it away because i'm sure I will be able use it for something.
Thank you for the gift though.