- precision shape, no flickering;
- LOD compatible, no distortion at distance;
- ANY regular texture compatible, uses multiface sculpts technology;
- shine-resistant, ideal metal reflective as at regular prims;
- no any temp rezzers.
This is not full perm item, but you can find full perm sculpt map in my store.
If you like this product, please rate it.
Package includes:
- 1 (mod/copy/NO transfer) 1 LI multiface sculpt Octo Fountain 4.5 x 4.5;
- 1 (mod/copy/NO transfer) 2 LI multiface sculpt Octo Fountain 4.5 x 4.5 ALM version;
- read me.
*In inventory both items can seems no modify, but it is how SL shows complex permissions, cause inside no modify script. After rezzing both items are modify.
This is 1 prim fountain with fountain water particle effect and animated water. No temp rezzers.
This package contains 2 versions of absolutely the same item. Difference 1st version not uses Advanced Lighting Model, so water has no light reflections, while 2nd has it. 1st version is 1 prim and cost 1 prim from yours land. 2nd version is 1 prim but cost 2 prims from yours land. as well it has simple physics.
It stays 1 and 2 prims in any size, even at 64 x 64 x 64. Compatible with ANY regular texture you have in inventory.
You can see light reflection on water at ALM version only if Advanced Lighting Model enabled in yours viewer.
How to:
- Touch.
To change color of water, just select different color of water in yours edit mode texture tab like you coloring any simple faces in SL. Then click fountain once or twice, now particle has color effect depends on color of yours water. It is nice to have fountain of fanta, wine, milk, pepsi or even blood for thursty vampires? No, then just disable color tint of water face and apply any water texture instead of the default milky one. Now particles with be default for common water color.
There are no need any special texture to change view of fountain. ANY texture from yours inventory suit it. Just like with simple cube first select face, next apply texture. If you not sure how change texture on separate face please use SL FAQ, or ask yours more experienced friends.
- Using alpha textures may cause old and very known issue of alpha bug in SL. It is not property of this item.
- Do no change building block of fountain of it will be broken, rez new copy from inventory.
- Do not use phantom linkset scripts, it will brake it;
Yours personal license allows:
- Use content of this package inside SL;
- To have limited support only for non modified object. (There are no support for building basics, if you made any changes please refer to wiki.secondlife.com site to find a solution. ask yours more experience friend on how to, or join any free building group in SL.)
NEKKA (Silk Aeon)
- - precision shape, no flickering;
- - LOD compatible, no distortion at distance;
- - ANY regular texture compatible, uses multiface sculpts technology;
- - shine-resistant, ideal metal reflective as at regular prims;
- - no any temp rezzers.