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1 prim "Coastal Forest Tree31 Group in 64 Trees" any plant texture (mod, copy) Version 1.0

1 prim "Coastal Forest Tree31 Group in 64 Trees" any plant texture (mod, copy)

- precision shape, no flickering or broken angles;
- LOD compatible, no distortion at distance;
- fast rezzing as only 12 KB sculpt map;
- ANY regular texture compatible.

Thank you for attentive reading description and policies of using.

Package includes:
- 2 (copy/modify/NO transfer) 1 prim coastal forest, size 64 x 40 x 10;
- read me and personal license.
other objects on pictures not included.

This is 1 prim forest tree group. It is alpha plant texture on crossed flat surfaces like simple tree plants are in SL, just instead of 1 tree for each sculpt is 64 trees in 1 prim.
Is made to cover huge empty spaces of land with good density, good SL alpha issue resistance, low cost in prims (1 prim) and ability to walk inside this forest without blocked view.
In package 2 objects, each is 1 prim, it is absolutely the same texture and sculpt, just one of them mirrored. Made it for those who not familiar that sculpts can be mirrored (built in SL feature) to do mirrored shape of it. Mirrored shapes are great in use when set several similar objects in area, in addition to random way rotations they reduce visual repeat and to fill parcels better way combining with not mirrored. For example 10 such prims whole sim can be covered by forest with small meadows and not give an idea of 1 prim shape make overall look solid as one.

Remember as all sculpt fields*, using several can be heavy for overall performance for computers of sim visitors. This is general to all sculpt fields in SL. My advice to keep such prims as low as possible in visible distance, that is why idea was to make such forest group as much density as possible, to give you option use less prims to cover empty spaces, and leave yours visitors more fps to travel.

Pay attention at size of this forest that is 64 x 40. If you make it smaller trees become too elongated, if you will try to fix it with reducing height, then trees may become too small relative to avatar size and buildings around. So I would say it made only for this size no much less, no more. For other sizes try other products.

This sculpt compatible with ANY regular plant texture, although I give no warranty any plant will suit yours visual taste. is only depends on plant texture. You may need to adjust horizontal offset, but it may not works if plant is not symmetrical. Trees textures may not suit sculpt surface ideal from some angles of looking, leaving some gapes in trunks even in current texture item but is not much noticeable when texture tree trunk is enough thick. Well it works great on any tree with not angled trunk right in the middle of texture, and if trunk is not in middle, or there are too small empty space in texture around visible object it may not be adjusted to good visible look at all.

You may also want to enable Full Bright in Texture tab of Edit mode. Many plants made the same way using this to avoid peaky shadows. as minus it will be full bright even at night, I feel enough good without enabling it, but this is matter of taste.. This is specific of building technics and related to general building of such sculpts, not current sculpt self.

- Although I do not have issues with alpha bleeding and other well known issues of alpha textures, it may appears in yours viewer. this is 99% of not full load of alpha layer of texture, can be reason of connection packet loss, overall sim lags, and in 1% is guilty of viewer settings or its current version (relative to aggressive alpha and automatic alpha). Ask in yours viewer support group where to check this settings (by default they are working and enabled and that is how it must be). This correct for current tree texture. If you applying another texture, alpha issues may appears as it is matter of texture self,
- Textures are property of their creators. Sorry but I am not answering who is creator of them. My texture organizers made the way no creators names shows, as most of texture organizers are.
*Yes all sculpt fields are heavy for rendering, although there some tricks to reduce it but have side effects of increasing prim cost and may not works on various prims with alpha textures applied.

Have fun with buildings.
NEKKA (Silk Aeon)

  • - precision shape, no flickering or broken angles;
  • - LOD compatible, no distortion at distance;
  • - fast rezzing as only 12 KB sculpt map;
  • - ANY regular texture compatible.