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1 prim Table with 2 chairs, 2 single menus & extra items

1 prim Table with 2 chairs, 2 single menus & extra items

Low prim table with 2 chairs and 2 single menus
alltogether on 1 single prim !
Copy - you can rezz as many as you want
Tintable , you find 1 white tintable + 1 brown wood table included in the package

plus extra items:

* 1 prim shadow, which can be placed under the table if you like, you can also copy the shadow
* The 1 prim tablecloth is an extra item, which can be copied as well. When you touch the tablecloth a blue menu pops up and allows you to select among 12 different textures.

Some poses refer to drinking or eating. You will get inside the package:
2 coffee cups which are transfer only (no copy) so you can pass one to the friend with whom you want to use the table
2 Wine glasses - transfer only - you can wear one and transfer the other one to your friend
2 forks + knives- transfer only -
These additional items are not copiable +transfer because I do not want an unlimited distribution of my items, two included transfer-sets allow you to use the chair with a second avatar.

Extra items:
+ 1 full low prim lunch set for 2 (5prims) with texture of plates, tableset, cutlery and 1 plate with food, touch to get a menu to select either "Spaghetti, Irish Stew or Fried Rice with Prawns" for your lunch. The two menus are linked together, you will alweays eat the same lunch.

+ 1 prim rose petals with TEMP REZZ Romance dinner (please check first if temp rezzers are allowed at your land.!)
If ok, then rezz the rose petal prim and place it exactly over the table. it is best not to have the tablecloth at the same time, the romantic dinner should be placed directly on the table itself.
then touch the flower petals, select button "4 (adjust)" from the menu, verify that the tablesets are well placed before each avatar and then select done.
Every 59 seconds a new dining set will be rezzed replacing the previous temporary one. This is a very low prim solution and only the 1 prim flower petals count in your prim count, but this option uses some script ressources of your sim, thus it is recommended to take the item back to your inventory when not used.

The menu is built without balls.
Touch, then sit directly on the wooden frame, it is recommended to touch always one of the chairs, not the table, as you might cover the table with the tablecloth or the rose petal-temprezzer.
The first starting pose is drinking a coffee standing next to the table - wear the coffee cup included in the package and pass one to your partner if you want to stay some time in this start pose, which is like stand &chat next to the table
(this is made, so that the pose adjustment could be suitable for men and women)

Touch again the wooden chair/or frame to get the menu
the first avatar gets a choice between the 2 menus 'Single 1' oder 'Single 2'.

The second avatar does not get this choice, only the menu which is not used by the first avatar.
Both menus, 'Single 1' and 'Single2' have poses adjusted for men (identified by an M in the name of the menu)
or women, (identified by an F in the name of the menu)
at any moment you can adjust any pose to your avatar's size

Type /1a
in chat
and follow the instructions to change the position or rotation of each pose
see illustrated picture hereafter or

See item in Second Life
  • table
  • chair
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full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted October 18, 2013 by Black Snowfox

its only a white table with two chairs, no menu to change colours or rezz a dinner or other inside!!

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