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1331 ASSAULT RIFLE IA2 Version V3.1

3 Reviews

The 1331 ASSAULT RIFLE IA2 has a simple and easy to operate way, it avoids lag and primshot with a good performance in its sequence of shots.

• 100% Meshe
• Low Lag
• Impact on terro = 0 prim

Control Menu
The 1331 ASSAULT RIFLE IA2 has a control menu, just click on your body to open the menu.

The 1331 ASSAULT RIFLE IA2 can be controlled tactical animation via key and the commands are:
Press key "C" or "Pagedown" for Crouching

The 1331 ASSAULT RIFLE IA2 can be support secondifre
Grenade Launcher you can use with gesture M320 Grenade Launch [F] - Key for shooting is a "F"
Shotgun you can use with gesture R870 Shotgun [Space] - Kay for shooting is a "Space"

The 1331 ASSAULT RIFLE IA2 can be support velocity control and the commands are:
type on chat vel:0 to 200, exemple vel:150 or vel:200

The 1331 ASSAULT RIFLE IA2 can be support spread control and the commands are:
type on chat spread:0 to 360, exemple spread:1 or spread:2

The 1331 ASSAULT RIFLE IA2 can be controlled via chat and the commands are:
U can use a mutiply channel's 0, 1, 5 or 25
"draw or "d"
"sling or "s"
"semi" or "sf"
"auto" or "af"

==Body Swag==
"dual scope"
"silencer" or "sil" or "silenceron"
"silenceroff" or "siloff"

==Rifle Control==
"vel:" insert a value: 0 to 200
"spread:" insert a value: 0 to 360
"grenade" for secondfire grenade
"grenadeoff" for unattach grenade launcher
"shotgun" for secondfire shotgun
"shotgunoff" for unattach shotgun


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Produced by Tags Writer

  • Meshes Weapon
  • Low Laggy
  • Easy Scripts
  • With hud and menu control
  • No cause primshot
Average rating: full star full star full star full star half star
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  • 1 star:
full star full star full star full star full star Posted May 10, 2018 by Fassalia

This gun does really looks nice and is one of the rarest to have a nice looking underslung shotgun.
The maker of this gun can also help nicely and quickly if there's any problem with it, and that's always a nice feature when you get a gun like that.

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted May 01, 2017 by Tags Delight

A fantastic weapon! The best I ever bought.
It is very similar to Real Life, I tell you more works perfectly does not cause Lag, it does not cause Prim Shot, it is very fast. The price is pretty cool I believe it should cost more than it currently costs.
Very Good Experience!
Love for Combat

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L$ 1,500

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Sold by: Tags Writer

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Mesh: 100% Mesh