G General

[1A] - Mantra Vid-Phone

[1A] - Mantra Vid-Phone

Comes in 12 colors. White, Black, Red, Orange Yellow, Green, Cyan, Blue, Indigo, Purple, Violet, and Pink.

Define your own custom phone number and call other vid-phones in the same region.

Custom audio including incoming calls, pick-up, hang-up, and wrong number sounds.

Use your own custom image for what people see as your vid-phone image, or leave it blank and it will use your default SL profile image.

Works with RP tools so people can see the dialogue your character says if used in an RP sim.

Includes hand-unit in case you want to hold a phone to your ear while talking on the vid-screen.

1 LI - perfect as a decoration as well.

Can not be linked to other objects

Important Information for Mesh Products:

A scripted object may show up as No Modify in inventory even though the object is modifiable when rezzed.

Changing the size of a mesh object will (sometimes drastically) increase it’s Land Impact. Be careful when trying to drastically resize a mesh product.

Changing a mesh object's physics shape may also modify it’s land impact. Because of this, it is advised not to modify the Physics Shape on our products. We have optimized them for the best Land Impact possible.

  • Comes in 12 colors. White, Black, Red, Orange Yellow, Green, Cyan, Blue, Indigo,
  • Define your own custom phone number and call other vid-phones in the same region
  • Custom audio including incoming calls, pick-up, hang-up, and wrong number sounds
  • Use your own custom image for what people see as your vid-phone image, or leave
  • Works with RP tools so people can see the dialogue your character says if used i
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
  • 5 star:
  • 4 star:
  • 3 star:
  • 2 star:
  • 1 star:
Looks and works great.
full star full star full star full star full star Posted July 17, 2020 by dealakavl

Love the interactibility of this item, and being able to set the numbers to dial. Great job.

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