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1LI full perm "3 Balloons w Box" mesh, any texture Version 1.0

1LI full perm "3 Balloons w Box" mesh, any texture

- precision shape, no flickering or broken angles;
- optimized LOD for distance, simple phisics for compability with prim system.
- any regular texture compatible, no need special textures.

Thank you for yours carefully reading , it is yours user license agreement.
This is NOT FINAL PRODUCT, It is just 3D model (shape), for builders.

Package includes:
- 1 full perm (modify/copy/transfer) 1LI (1 prim) multiface mesh 3 balloons with a box;
- user license read me.


This item happens to appear as side experiment of making air balloon (that I am using in my inworld store as teleport system), as well as improving my skills in Blender.
It takes 1 prim for current size from yours land, 3 balloons with ropes and box. Box because my imagination surrended to add something else.
It is multiface mesh, It has 8 separate faces to apply ANY texture you have in inventory, purchased on market or upload from net. There are no need any baking, UV etc maps, even not exist. This option gives you big choice of variation to decorate this item with various number of textures.
You may set some faces to 100% transparency that way you remove one, two or even all three balloons. Box has one face for sides, and one face for top and bottom in thinking of using gift box textures, but may use to show for example yours store product if you decide to use this balloon as package, or to make it blink etc.
Circle with stars under balloons is not a face it just lighting effect added in balloon. Works ONLY with ALM (advanced lightning model) enabled in yours viewer graphics preferences. As well reflection on transparent balloons work too only with ALM, but you can set transparency to zero then reflection will works even without ALM.
I add simple sit coordinates to prim, no scripts using, only prim memory, this is in case you would like to use it as a sit for example on parties.
Mesh uses custom LOD for each stage. That is why it not mess on distance but just reduce not noticeble details. It as well uses custom physics model, that allows to use this mesh in linkset with convex hull and prim physics shapes without influence on other prims cost.

Caveats for mesh:
- Mesh , so it requires MESH enabled viewer to operate with;
- It stays 1LI (1 prim) ONLY in current size. If you reduce size, it will cost less, so you can even use two mesh items linked as 1 prim, but if you make it bigger from default, number of prims taken from CAN and WILL increase, this is how SL works.
- Creator name (Silk Aeon) you CANNOT change. It is how any MESH item works in SL. Create prim and link this mesh to prim (prim must be root ). It is important yours customers/users not leaked to me with their questions that I may not know due of changes you made;
- If you link this mesh or add script to it, number of prims taken from land (LI) CAN and WILL decrease/increase. +0.25LI for each script. This is how SL works;

- You cannot export model using this mesh to yours HDD, this is how SL works.

Yours personal license allows:
- To use content of this package as part of own creations;
- Keep transfer item in one of yours alts;
- Use inside SL.

License NOT allows, restricted:
- Resell, share, gift, transfer content of this package in any form of data to other person or more then one alt without setting permissions (no transfer) or/and (no copy);
- Use any programs, tools, viewers, services to transfer or backup out of Second Life grid;

If you not agree with current terms of use, you may not buy this item, this is what "user licensed" flag on modify/copy/transfer item means.

Thank you and wish nice time of building,
Yours NEKKA (Silk Aeon).

  • - precision shape, no flickering or broken angles;
  • - optimized LOD for distance, simple phisics for compability with prim system.
  • - any regular texture compatible, no need special textures;