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2-4 LI full perm "Thai Gazebo w Walkable Stairs & Lights" sculpt maps kit, any texture Version 1.5

2-4 LI full perm "Thai Gazebo w Walkable Stairs & Lights" sculpt maps kit, any texture

Thank you for carefully reading this description, as well as our use policies.
This is NOT final product, it need to be textured or scripted.

This package includes:
- 3 full perm (copy/no mod*/transfer) sculpt map;
- 2 (no modify/copy/no transfer) builder scripts;
- 1 (modify/copy/no transfer) stop lights animation script;
- read me;
*no mod on sculpt not influence full permissions of 3D object built with it.

This is thai gazebo, actually I am not so sure it is really Thailand style, but have very good feeling about it.

You can texture with ANY texture you have or may have, no any special requires.
By default wood texture looks blurry, it is okey, just lindens texture 256x16 that is why.

It is simple item. 1 prim is full thai gazebo carcass, so maybe in use as visual for offsim construction for example.
But with included builder script as all of my items you can get more, include ability to walk inside (physics) additional parts, and advices for construction. Script works with 1-6 prims.
1 prim is sculpt phantom thai gazebo without physics, lights stairs and has one face to texture.
2 prim is that gazebo with floor prim and ability to walk inside, no lights, stairs, floor is regular prim so have 6 faces to texture.
3 prim is 2 prim + sculpt stairs. Stairs 1 face texture, has shine-resistant, means ideal flat reflective like it regular prim if you set shininess to high, no any chewed parts. Also compatible with planar texturing. And of course it walkable without any support prim.
4 prim is 3 prim + animated lights. Light prim is sculpt, Builder script applies animation of it and not requires any script to continue it, (but you can find inside script to stop it). Have one face to texture and covering texture = sculpt texture this lights built from. Actually I would recommend just use any third part lights for that. Light sculpt pretty old looking.
5 prim is 4 prim + roof. Roof is regular prim, so have as many textures as any roof built with regular prim. By default I use planar texturing. But you may switch back to default in yours texture settings.
6 prim is 5 prim + curtains. Curtains are regular prim. Flexible. Slightly moves on wind, but not much noticeble to not break overall look of construction. You may change them to non flexy prim so not able to walk through sides.

Inside two builder scripts. One builds in default physics, so prim cost = number of prims,
second uses new physics, so depends on number of prims it can be LOWER or HIGHER number of prims from your land.
With new physics 6 prims cost 4 LI (4 prims from yours land).
But also new physics gazebo behaves like mesh so increasing it may and will increase it Land Impact cost,Default Physics always stays the same even at 64 m size.

How to:
- Create prim.
- Drag and drop script on to newly created prim.

Note: This will automatically create a ready-to-use object; fully textured, the right size, and with your name as Creator. The script will auto-delete from the prim upon completion, so you can not care about it. While the script runs, you may see some distortion of the sculpted object. This is normal as a result of forcing a sculpt map to load in some regions.

- All textures property of their creators, and cannot be placed in package. But creator script makes textured object to show you how it must looks like.
- This sculpt maps supposed to be working with texture repeats 256 and more. If yours viewer not able to set repeats like that please choose any third party viewer, or use texture repeats scripts.
- I have never had the following problems with my sculpt, but we are aware that this can happen: If the object continues to appear distorted, please force loading of the sculpt map by checking or unchecking the mirror and invert flags on the Edit -> Object Tab of the sculpt. If the problem continues, please check your LOD settings and your network connection to the SL server. If you don't know how to check these settings and connections, please ask your more-experienced friends for help.

FAQ for new builders about what is sculpt map:

You personal license allows:
- use sculpt maps in own creations for own use and selling as part of yours creation as soon as it is not full perm;
- keep (not use) in 1(one) of yours alts,

You not allowed;
- To sell, share, gift, transfer this sculpt maps as images, UUID, content of object, part of texture packs or list to any other person;
- To give away full perm, or sale autocreated with scripts object without changing covering texture on it;
- To transfer through grids and use outside Secondlife.

Wish nice buildings.
yours NEKKA (Silk Aeon)

  • - sharp edges
  • - walkable stairs
  • - suit any party
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a wonderful Gazebo
full star full star full star full star full star Posted February 18, 2013 by Kristen Littlebird

what can I say another wonderful sculpt ty Silk and for this price you really cant beat it

Kristen Adored (Littlebird)

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted March 08, 2012 by Eros Okelli

Perfecto por solo 5 prims.

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted October 04, 2011 by Mileva Milev


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