3D Human Easter Pack Full Perm
Super realistic high-quality mesh to complete your scenes, background and backdrops.
Candles 1 LI
Chick 2 LI
Sheep 2 LI
Bunny with Eggs 2LI
Full Permission: copy, modify, transfer
Reseller authorized of ::DisturbeD:: - Same TOS apply
▶ The product comes non-scripted
▶ Good LOD even in low graphics
▶ You are NOT allowed to sell the meshes / textures / poses - You can ONLY sell them as a part of the product you made.
If you are happy with the purchase a nice review is very appreciated.
IM for any question, I'll answer within few hours or as fast as I can.
Thank you!
Lovely Easter Pack
This is perfect for Easter and even better is the customer service. I will definitely be buying more from this store. Thank you :)
These are delightful items and I can't wait to use them in my builds. They are perfect in mesh design. The Owner was wonderful when I reached out to him regarding the texture diffuse maps! 5-star for items and for him!