G Général

4 Lines - KITT Mainstore [exclusive price] Version V1.0

4 Lines - KITT Mainstore [exclusive price]

ANOID | KITT Mainstore


Prims - 24

Mesh Percentage - 90%

Area - 37m x 26m

Volume - 37m x 26m x 8m

Extra -
Material customization can be provided ( for entire store, not individual parts) for additional cost of 10.000 L$


This item comes with a rezzer.
Check out the passes:
- Drag to ground the object named "KITT Mainstore rezer"
- To rez the structure, just click "rez".
- Then, when all objects are placed in position, you can move the rezzer and make the adjustments you need.
- When al things are in the correct place. Just click the rezzer and click "save".
- After this. You can delete the rezzer.

MESH VIEWER: This item require mesh enabled viewer - Official Second life viewer or 3rd party viewer with mesh support.

ISSUES: Got an issue? Make sure to send a detailed notecard to Derick Oxhall.

REVIEWS: Reviews are appreciated, reviewing means 100l$ return if you declare me a review. Leave me a notecard when you do. Thank You

Other things as custom works, must be writen in detailed notecard and sent also to Derick Oxhall. If not having answer after 3 days, send the notecard to Rodrigo Aubin.

Best regards,

Voir l'article dans Second Life
  • Mainstore
  • Shop
  • Skybox
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Beautiful design, but outside default and very very dark even with a bright screen
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Publié le 14/7/2016 de Brayan26 Friller

Beautiful design, but outside default and very very dark even with a bright screen

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Thank you
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 19/2/2016 de Hethwen

I wanted to give my mainstore location an update that reflected the ultra sleek couture edge that my items dictate. I could go on an on about this creation -- the low LI, the great price, the perfection found in every detail of the texturing, how it comes Copy/Mod that provides us the ability to customize the build completely... but what I want to say most about 4 Lines - KITT Mainstore is, thank you.
Hethwen Collinwood
Mr. Virtual World USA 2015

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full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 1/2/2015 de Amber Swallowtail

I didn't know if id be able to split this store up and make it bigger but it unlinked with no problem and looks great, the creator was quick to reply to me when I contacted them.

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full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 22/1/2015 de lotusmortality

I wish there was a lighter/white version :p

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good service perfect product
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 30/11/2014 de unitedcolorsteam

really liked the owner and really good made work worth of max rating

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Great Skybox Store
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 27/9/2014 de Mochi Milena

I needed a decently sized skybox store to put items in for a sale I was having. This fulfilled the need perfectly. Easy to modify and the textures are really sleek and modern. The overhead lights add a nice touch of classy sophistication. Highly recommend!

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