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4x4 slider

4x4 slider


Realistic Drifting
Working Brakes
Lights front & rear
Recovery mode
Engine modes
Burn outs
Automatic terrain detection
Working tachometer
Custom sound effects
Dynamic suspension
Realistic power ratios
Drift configuration options
7 different colors

Come and get the FREE DEMO and put it to the test (You will get a Demo vehicle and the main vehicle Hud this demo is subject to a time limit after such time the vehicle will delete its self. Demo is located at my main store please see the Link below.

HUD Over view:

Private – locks the vehicle so that only the owner can drive
Public – allows any one to drive
Drift On – turns the drifting forces on
Drift Off – turns the drifting forces off

Start: Starts the engine.

Stop: Stops the engine while you are sitting in the vehicle.

State: Gives you a visual display read out of what the vehicle is doing.

Burn out: Toggles between burn out mode and driving mode. Burn out mode will spin the wheels and dust or smoke particles will be emitted depending on the terrain surface

Gears up and down: Allows you to change the gears using the HUD

Eject: allows you to eject unwanted passengers.

Mode: Allows you to toggle between two different power modes how ever I would recommend that you stay in the Normal Power Ratio mode as this is the best speed configuration for second life. But if you require more speed to can use the Extreme Power mode.

Hand Brake: Hand brake will apply the vehicles hand brake

Drift Init = Drift initiation Allows you to configure the speed at which drifting forces take place.
Drift T Ratio = Drift turning ratio Allows you to set the amount of turn while drifting. These settings will always be remembered by the main vehicle hud and applied once you sit into the vehicle. The default button will set the default drifting settings.

Rev: Rev the engine

Recovery: Will flip the vehicle back up right if you roll over

Lights – Toggles the head lights On and off

Color changer Hud: Allows you to change the color of the vehicle frame. The color you set will be remembered by the main vehicle Hud and applied once you sit into the vehicle.


Up Arrow or W – Forward

Left Arrow or A – Turns Left

Right Arrow or D – Turns Right

Down Arrow or S – Braking while moving – Revise when stopped (Braking lighting effects are also activated while braking. ( This might be confusing at first as %98 of all vehicle in second life are scripted to go backwards if down is pressed How ever this vehicle is scripted to brake first and then once you have stopped the vehicle will go into revise ) Braking at high speed will realistically lock up the wheels and skid.

Page Up or E – If pressed Changes gears Up – If Held Lifts the vehicles front end

Page down or C – If pressed Changes gears Down - If Held lowers the vehicles front end

Changing the color simply click the vehicle frame and select a color.
Options to set the vehicles mode “Public or privet” meaning you can allow others to drive this vehicle

See item in Second Life View Video »
  • Speedometer
  • Realistic high quality sounds
  • Headlights & brake lights
  • Burnout particle effects
  • Automatic terrain detection
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