[.:5P:.] Joyan -Mesh Gloves/Armwarmers- Earthtone Pack
Our rigged mesh gloves/armwarmers "Joyan" to keep your arms warm even in the coldest winter nights.
As well on hot summer days as u wish and wherever you are - Made of handknitted wool!
A few short Informations about our product:
- Female Version Only for this product!
- 5 Standard Female Mesh Sizes
- Colour Hud (Tint it like u want!)
- Texture Hud (24 high quality textures - Your Choice!)
- Pose Stand
- Notecard Product-Information
If u bought this product on the SL Marketplace and u like it we would be pleased when u leave a comment.
Please note that: Mesh enabled viewer required to see these items properly.
If u have questions, problems or suggestions please send a notecard to Nolan Carfagno.
Mind you keep warm! Greetings.
- Female Version only for this product!
- 5 Standard Female Mesh Sizes
- Colour-Hud
- Texture-Hud
- Rigged Mesh - Made of handknitted Wool!
Even the smallest size is way too big, and they're transparent when seen from the inside, which is unavoidable because of the size. Completely useless.
Everything ok
I have nothing to complaint, i wished only i didnt bought that ugly armwarmers before :-(
Now iam happy.