Collection of more then 60 Sports\Athletic poses & Animatons.
All poses & Animations are able to Copy\Trans.
Included are Pose Balls and Scripts for default use.
only 26$L
- Pose Balls Included
- Scripts Included
- Resell Permissions
older designs
These poses are great...Just older designs. In fact, I've probably purchased the "freebies" package about ten year's ago. If you are new to Second Life, this is a nice starting package to work with.
Disappointing.... Don't waste your L$
I found this via a marketplace search for "Horse riding animations" and was excited to see this pack for only 26 L$ and despite the small figures in the advert; it DID say "SPORTY POSES" and horse riding IS a SPORT so I took a chance and bough this pack— I regret this decision.
First of all; the horse riding animation that lead me to this product is NOT present in the pack and that makes me wonder why this was shown in a search... on the first page... for an animation that is NOT even in the pack... I call false tagging.
Second of all; they're all static poses which wouldn't have been so bad if the HORSE RIDING pose I wanted was in there!
Feel a little disappointed, i got these free years ago...
all I wanted from this were the tennis poses, this is just a bunch of freebie bs though. it has stuff like juggling, or the classic rooftop crouch, or the Back-Arched which makes me wonder how exactly laying down is a sport.. these are all freebies, and there arent even 60 in there let alone plus. the package ended at 59. everything about this listing is just a lie. i'll just be making my own tennis pose.