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<A-T> Bismarck Class Battleship Version 1.1

<A-T> Bismarck Class Battleship
<A-T> Bismarck Class Battleship
4 Reviews

===============Astral Tek Bismarck-Class Battleship===============

3D Mesh Artist: Joe Sparrow
Texture Artist: Joe Sparrow
Scripting: Joe Sparrow & Ariesviper Barbecue
Sounds: Obany Wardark


Hud info

<A-T> Bismarck Class
<A-T> Universal Warshp HUD
<A-T> Warship Gunsight

==========Bismarck Class Specifications==========
Full Name: Bismarck Class Battleship
Country of Origin: Germany

Sensor: Naval
HP: 3500

-28 cm (15 in) - MDB+ in double turrets
-15 cm (5.9 in) in double turrets - SMB
-10.5 cm (4.1 in) in double turrets - SMB/CMG
-Flakvierling 38 & Flak LM/42 - LMG

===Other Features===
-Particle effects for bow wave, wake and all weapons
-Guest mode


↑&↓ / W&S: Adjusts the Throttle Setting
←&→ / A&D: Controls the Rudder

Left Mouse Button: Fires the Main Guns
-The guns automatically calculate trajectory based on your point of aim

Page Up / E: Fires Secondary Guns

-Designed for antiaircraft & secondary guns.
-The guns automatically calculate trajectory based on your point of aim
-When aiming above the horizon, the guns change to a CMG flak mode.

Page Down / C: Fires Torpedoes
-Torpedoes are launched from installations on the sides of the ship.
-The launchers cannot fire directly forward or backwards.
-The launchers fire a salvo of four torpedoes.


Clicking the boat will bring up a menu

Flag: Allows the input of a custom flag UUID.
Guest: Toggles Guest Mode. When activated, guest mode allows others to drive the vehicle


The Universal Warship HUD allows for control of the depth charges. The HUD also displays the HP and throttle setting.

Menu: The Menu button on the HUD brings up the ship's menu.

=====Operational Notes====
-There are no chat commands. The vehicle activates VICE upon avatar entry.
-The Naval Sensor System will show all damage as coming from the owner, even in guest mode.
-The Naval Sensor System does not allow for teams to be set.

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Awesome. Love it
full star full star full star full star full star Posted December 01, 2024 by Velika47

Sooooooo good. possibly the best thing i own. so much fire power. easy to use and super fun. kinda slow but to be fair it is a battle ship. what did i expect? lol

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Massive, Legendary, And Powerful.
full star full star full star full star full star Posted May 09, 2015 by CastleDragon

This was the second product I bought from <A-T>. The first being the Tiger... The Bismarck is one of my most favorite War Machines ever constructed, so I just had to get it. This is my honest review.
+3 It's A Bismarck
+1 Detail
+1 Weapon Power
Here's what I have to say: The Bismarck is moderately fast, but not very nimble. It has plenty of AA that make quick work of anything in the sky, has 5-inch guns that are good Anti-Everything, and the throttle runs in gears. The 15-ich guns are only controlled through the HUD, for fairness of combat, but I wish it was Mouselook. The ship also has an acceptable amount of HP, but I really wish the Engine was Toggle. I also would've liked a "Guest" mode. I still use this ship from time to time, and am very happy with my purchase. I am definitely going to keep Astral Technologies in my memory, and will keep an eye for future products. I hope to see the King Tiger make a return someday.

Also, I'd review the <A-T> Tiger, but for some reason, it won't let me right a review. No problem though, 10/10 would buy it again.

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L$ 4,000

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<A-T> Astral Technologies
<A-T> Astral Technologies
Sold by: Warship Waifu

Unpacking Required

This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.

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Mesh: 100% Mesh
Land Impact: 257