The ABTech Avatar Script Monitor shows information about scripted attachments worn by avatars : Script count, cpu time and memory used.
For each value, you can customize two limits (The warning limit and the alert limit) and the board will display information using colors according to those limits.
For more information, you will find the feature list below.
- ABTech Avatar Script Monitor Light : Modify/Copy/No Resell : The 42 prim version of the system that display up to 10 avatars per page.
- ABTech Avatar Script Monitor Light (18 prims) : Modify/Copy/No Resell : A low prim version of the system (displays 4 users per page)
- ABTech Avatar Script Monitor Light (6 prims) : Modify/Copy/No Resell : Another low prim version of the system (displays 1 user per page)
- Scripts are 'No Modify'
- This package contents the light version of the ABTech Avatar Script Monitor. A full version of the monitor also exists : While the light version only displays information, the full version can send messages to avatars and is also able to eject users that create too much lag .
✔ Easy to use : The board is operated using a dynamic menu for the most common features while the advanced features are set using a documented notecard.
The monitor provided is ready to use : Rez the monitor and turn it on using the menu.
✔ You can sort the avatars by script count, time or memory
✔ You can set the speed at which the monitor displays pages (default : 15 second per page)
✔ Colors used to display information are customizable (default : white, yellow for values exceeding the warning limit and red for those exceeding the alert limit)
✔ You can choose to only display the avatars that are near to the monitor (This feature can be convenient in region where there is often many avatars :
Only the avatars that can see the monitor will be displayed but all avatars remain controled). The distance is customizable (default : 50m)
✔ All limits are customizables (The default values should suit most of the sim)
✔ You can customize the area to control (by defaut : the whole region)
✔ The monitor can detect avatars wherever they are in the region (it doesn't need to use additional "Probes" or/and Sensors).
You can customize the frequency of the scan (default : 10 seconds).
✔ Capacity : 60 Avatars
✔ Prim count : 42 prims for the 10 users per page model, 18 for the 4 users/page model and 6 for the 1 user/page model.
✔ Low lag
- Help you to control the lag on your sim
- Shows information about scripted attachments
- memory monitor
- script count monitor
- cpu usage monitor
Works perfect without limit of meters. Excelent service from the owner... ty