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[ABV] Desmo Catsuit - Wine - Dollarbie!

[ABV] Desmo Catsuit - Wine - Dollarbie!
[ABV] Desmo Catsuit - Wine - Dollarbie!
1 Review

Dollarbie on MP / Free Group Gift at the MainStore in world!

Latex / Rubber Catsuit outfit with 6 upper body and 2 lower body versions. Both Transparent and Opaque options are included in a single, mesh based applier for a total of 24 different combinations.

This design includes Long sleeveshort-sleeve versions of the motorcycle-inspired catsuit top, each with three zipper positions, as well as zipped and unzipped versions of the lower half.

New Applier HUD includes Omega and Maitreya functionality in one single HUD for both upper and lower body parts. Also includes a new Show/Hide feature to reclaim screen space when not in use without detaching / attaching repeatedly.

The applier also includes the new ABV ColorMatch feature, which will integrate with ABV accessories, such as the Platform Pumps. When you apply the outfit to your mesh body, it will also (optionally - you can turn it off of course) update your shoes to match the colors of the outfit.

Includes Omega Materials and Maitreya Appliers ONLY - does not work with the SL body.

Requires the "Advanced Lighting Model" enabled for maximum shiny enjoyment. As this utilizes the "Materials" feature in SL, there must be lights present around the avatar to be reflected by the catsuit, etc.

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  • latex
  • materials
  • omega
  • maitreya
  • appliers
Average rating: full star empty star empty star empty star empty star
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full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted February 20, 2025 by HetfieldGod75

Bought it today by believing it would match on my Belleza Jake body (male avi shown in the picture). I was completely wrong. Nothing applied (as it only was displaying "lola skin" in the local chat). Huge disappointment.

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L$ 1

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Appliers By Valarie
Sold by: Valarie Thor

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