AD Sport Skin Republic - Male Skin Creator 2010 - DON
High Quality and Professional Kit for Skin Creators.
All texture are 2048 x 2048 Pixel Wide PSD Files.
9 Diffrent Shade Options (Every Shade Combination are Available on Seperated Layer Groups, Change it with one Click)
5 Diffrent Facial Hair on Seperated Layers.
3 Diffrent Hair Option.
Optional Eyeliners. (Only Change the Layers to Visible)
Optional Muscle Kit include. (You can add more or less Muscle with one Click)
Shade & Light Layers Available for Any Change.
Please Check the URL for try to All Demos.
Contact to Arzach Mills for Any Question.
AD Sport Skin Republic
Arzach Mills & Catinca Aldrin
The link does not work
The link does not work. I want my lidens back!
I had so much skin creators... But this one was theBEST I byed. Isnt expensive!
Recommended seller.
5 STARS *****