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AMBIX || Monster Maw [Animesh]

AMBIX || Monster Maw [Animesh]

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This is a rigged item, please try the demo in-world prior to purchase.
• Release Date ↴
[ 10/20/2020 ]

• Required Items ↴
Item is rigged, unrigged and animesh. It requires a Maitreya Lara bakes on mesh (BOM) compatible avatar.
Rigged means an object is able to be moved and adjusted - it cannot be resized or stretched.

• Contents Included ↴

• Animations (Animesh Only)↴
35+ Unique animations controlled by a dialog drop-down upon click.
Includes static, animated and "lewd" animations.

• Non-Animated States↴
Rigged and unrigged tongue types are included.
There are 8 states for the rigged and unrigged tongue.

• Body Parts ↴
BOM Alpha

• Typing Animation↴
Activation while typing - disable or enable.

• HUDs↴
Control HUD
Retexture & Tint HUD

• Meshes ↴
- Rigged Maw & Teeth W/ Unrigged Tongue
- Rigged Maw &Teeth & Animesh Tongue

• Non-Mesh Objects↴
Eye Particles which are tintable, adjustable and resizable.

• Texture HUD || 17 Color Options↴
Applier & Color Picker System
AO & UV Maps [Full Perm]

• Notice ↴
Refunds will only be granted for double purchases.
Refunds will only be issued with in-store credit, as marketplace takes dividends from marketplace transactions.
If you are having issues with a product please contact xAmbiguityx prior to leaving a review.
Terms of Service are liable and subject to change.

• Merchant Notes ↴
Products created by this merchant are almost always copy and modify.
The exception to this is if the item contains scripts or is rigged. If scripts are held within the object the item will state that it is no modify in your inventory - however should still be editable upon wear and rez. Please note that if an item is rigged in anyway you will not be able to edit it from its current position or size.

• Social Media Links ↴
Please follow, like and join us to receive the fastest updates and releases.
Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/ambiqt/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ambixsl
Website: https://ambiqt.wixsite.com/ambix

• [Mod]ify ↴

[Mod]ify is an up and coming community based event that emphasizes creativity among designers and their users. We want to encourage the creative freedom that is Second Life. Our goal is to establish and showcase designers who are committed to quality, creativity and customization!

If you love the idea of fully modifiable content on items you invest in - please support our cause and join the discord below.

Discord: https://ambiqt.wixsite.com/ambix/discord

  • Includes AO & UV Maps
  • Advanced Texturing HUD
  • Applier System
  • Bento & Animesh
  • Custom Unique Animations
Average rating: full star full star full star full star half star
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Works pretty great on the maitreya!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted March 09, 2022 by Krunkka

Works great on the body it was rigged for.
Although I am holding out hope they create another version I can buy for the Freya or you know update this one with a Freya rig, especially since I rarely use the maitreya <3

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looks pretty good
full star full star full star full star empty star Posted August 24, 2021 by Raven Starchild

I use Legacy Male so of course the alpha isn't going to be perfect which i understood when I bought this however it works for what I wanted! I would love to see more stuff like this! Perfect option for a creepy demon style avis!

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