*AQF* Shelf 007 BOX (PROMO) Version 1.3
1 Review
You can buy this item for L$1 at in-world store. Please see sample image and check the place where the item is and drop by my store.
Low-prim sculpted wooden furniture
including a texture-change and resize script.
- 8 textures (Brown/ Dark brown/ Umber/ White/ Antique/ Light brown/ Natural pine/ White washed)
- Resize OK
- no copy, no mod
- Sculpt furniture
- Low prim
- Selectable texture
- Resize script
Love this
I absolutely love these so much! I have bought every one of them and they are so great! They look awesome and you can change their textures. Just wonderful! I wish they were copy but I mean at 5L I dont mind buying as many as I need. So excellent job!
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