A fully functional container loading vehicle! Ideal for any large scale logistics center or shipping port!
This product has materials (normal maps and specular maps) and looks best with advanced lighting enabled!
AT Hysser Container Handler -- The vehicle
ContainerTool,L1 -- The front mounted tool
Cargo Follow Script -- Put this into objects to turn them into liftable movable cargo!
Manual -- Reading this now
Vehicle comes with the ContainerTool already attached to it, it is included in the box however, in case you need it!
This tool can be detached from the vehicle
Tools are swappable
***How to use***
Rez the Container Handler
Sit on it, click the start engine button on the dashboard, or click the vehicle and select start engine in the dialog box.
Drive mode Buttons:
W/S or ↑/↓ : Gas Pedal / Brake Pedal
A/D or ←/→ : Turn steering wheel
E/C or PgUp/PgDwn : Change Gear
Click the mode switch text on the screen to change modes between DRIVE, MAST and TOOL
Mast mode buttons:
W/S or ↑/↓ : Raise or lower mast
A/D or ←/→ : Rotate mast (hold both to recenter)
C or PgDwn : Pick up cargo with tool
Tool mode buttons:
W/S or ↑/↓ : Tool Axis 1
A/D or ←/→ : Tool Axis 2
C or PgDwn : Pick up cargo with tool
General Interactivity
Click the doors to open or close them (Access level regulated feature, or the person sitting in the according seat)
Click labeled dashboard buttons on the side to toggle them
List of them
Front Projectors
Rear Projectors
Interior light
Aux switches
Click the starter button to start or stop the engine
The aux switches will trigger a link message with the string "aux1" or "aux2" or "aux3" according to the switch, and with the number being 0 or 1 for its on/off state
Main Menu
Help - Gives this notecard
Get HUD - Gives the driver's hud and control gestures (Very useful)
Exit - Exit dialog
Ignition on - Turns on the dials, and sets the car physical, and applies driving physics, useful for towing, pushing, or anything else that requires the car to be physical
Access - Opens the Access Menu
Vehicle Opt - Opens Vehicle Options Menu
HeadLights - Toggle the headlights
StopEngine - Turns off the engine, the dials, and makes the car nonphysical, removes driving physics (You can use this to undo the effects of Ignition On)
StartEngine - Turns on the engine, the dials, makes the car physical when not stopped, and applies driving physics
Access Menu
OWNER - Owner only driving and dialog access
GROUP - Driving and dialog access only to same active group as the car is set to
EVERYONE - Everyone can drive and access dialog (only when sitting in driver seat)
Vehicle Opt Menu
<--For active driver and owner-->
Steering+ - Steering ratio increase
Steering- - Steering ratio decrease
Camera - Choose from various driving cameras
km/h|mph - Toggle between imperial and metric units for driver HUD only!
WaterSim - Toggles the simulation of water, such as engine stalling, damage, and sinking
Auto/Man - Toggles the gearbox between automatic or manual
<--For owner only-->
FuelSim - Fuel Simulation toggle (With it on, the car will consume fuel, and when it ran out, it needs to be refuelled with NTBI GFS Fuel)
Paintjobs - Opens the paintjob menu
Drop Tool - Unequips and unlinks the front mounted tool
License Plate - Opens the License Plate customization menu
When selecting the option for getting the HUD and Control Gestures, the vehicle will give the full set of AT vehicle gestures
Paintjobs Menu
Here you can pick between Custom or Presets
If you pick Custom you will be asked for a texture uuid that is your custom paint job texture
If you pick Presets, you get to choose from 28 different factory default colors, or click Random and it will pick one for you
Dynawheels support
The car has Dynawheels support, which enables different driving surfaces by describing or naming the driving surface prims to one of the following keywords
It has to match the descrption or name of the prim EXACTLY to as said here
Each of these provide different driving experience and handling
You can put any of these into parcel description between two * to set the terrain's material (default: dirt) example: *snow*
Shakeno Tomsen - Animations
TheWarden Bardenboar - Hysser logo art
IceCold Skytower - everything else
- Materials Enabled
- 12 included paints
- PSD template included
- Fully realistic operation
- High quality animations
Alot of fun
This machine is alot of fun for sure . However Yes as the other review says . the notecard says
FuelSim - Fuel Simulation toggle (With it on, the car will consume fuel, and when it ran out, it needs to be refuelled with NTBI GFS Fuel)
How ever this is not true . The Electric system is actually "VOLTA"
This machine uses the Volta Charging . However if you do NOT own one of the electirc vehicles . u will not have a charger for this unless u ALSO buy a charger ontop of the asking price already . This machine does not come with ANY containers . OR charger .
There for i do feel the price is abit unrelfecting . However it is alot of fun the features and abilites are really impressive . As well as reactions to certain terrain and much more . I do plan to get the other model just released . I my self do own many different Electric chargers so I am fortunate to already of been setup to charge this before I did then buy his electric charging stand.
no charging station.
one star is too much!
The manual say, it works with NTBI pump system.
Then i see, its an electrical system.
ther is no charging system in the folder of the handler..
So: if the battery is emty, work stops ant throw that system away.