LISTING UPDATE: 2024, Sep 25th (new prop shop location SURL to see product InWorld updated)
1 group object:
~ *AUD* Print Plate Wash Station- c/m - 12p 7li
4 objects:
~ *AUD* print plate wash brush broom - c/m - 1p 1li (single object)
~ *AUD* Print Plate Wash Station - c/m - 7p 4li (linked object)
~ *AUD* rectangle splatter prim - c/m - 1p 1li (single object)
~ *AUD* splatter group for print plate wash - c/m - 5p 3li (linked object)
Package also includes:
1 thank you notecard
1 product image for easy remembering what it is
I was RPing a character who secretly printed newletters and such, and in my searching, couldn't really find a complete set up to offer that secret print room its full potential.
While it may still fall short of the full potential, I did start collecting full perm meshes to make a print room set I could also share for those wanting more for their print shop...
This "Print Plate Wash Station" came about when I was almost done with all the other stations/pieces and realized there was no ink-splattered spot to have cleaned the print plates or the little letter keys... so, Tada! ... I decided on the pump faucet so it could fit well in Western, even old Victorian and Medieval settings. I also kept the drain pipe textured (rather than cutting it out with no texture) so it could be a built in drain pipe to outside or whatever....
I may update this in the future to include actual print plates and washing animations, but for now it's all static.
In the pictures there's an image of all the pieces included that create the linked objects. Those pieces are as follows.
(Wash station linkset - 7 prims 4li)
(1) Ink splattered copper pump faucet
(2) Small print plate wash brush
(3) small print plate wash brush ink splattered cup
(4) print plate wash station wood sink
(5) wash brush broom stow box (looks like 2 but is1 mesh object)
(6) under sink shadow - for those of us who've yet to upgrade our computers and or graphics card for Advanced Lighting
(7) print plate wash brush broom
(Floor splatter linkset - 5 prims 3 li)
(8-1) curved line of splatter on rectangle mesh
(9-2) same as above but different size, placement, and transparency
(10-3) same as above but different size, placement, and relative transparency
(11-4) square mesh with different splatter pattern, and some transparency
(12-5) rectangle mesh with different splatter pattern spread out, and some transparency
all pieces CAN be unlinked and moved about or resized, or deleted, etc.
NOTE: 30% of profits received (after LL's 10%) from the purchase of this product on MP are automatically sent to the Treasurer of the SSCRPG PEF (Play Enhancement Fund) in the amount of 54 L$'s for each one sold.
mesh, print, printing, press, old, antique, medieval, roleplay, prop, ink splatter, ink spills, set, setting, western, wood, brush, wash, Victorian, industrial, sink, broom, PEF, SSCRPG
Location is an RP playground that's currently under construction. If anyone asks, and you want to be left alone, just say you're an NPC and you thank them for ignoring you! xD
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