LISTING UPDATE: 2024, Sep 25th (new prop shop location SURL to see product InWorld updated)
2 linked objects:
~ *AUD* Paper Cutting Station - c/m - 12p 6li
~ *AUD* blank papers -Table - (c/m) 11p 6 li
Package also includes:
1 paper roll group- creative commons (CC) license-- you get this for free! This CC paper spool group is FULL PERM.
1 thank you notecard
1 product image for easy remembering what it is
I was RPing a character who secretly printed newletters and such, and in my searching, couldn't really find a complete set up to offer that secret print room its full potential.
While it may still fall short of the full potential, I did start collecting full perm meshes to make a print room set I could also share for those wanting more for their print shop...
This "Paper Cutting Station & Paper Table" was born of the thought that one way or another, someone printing so much would get paper in bulk, and spools were easy. Mind you, medieval times might not have really had the advancement to make spools of paper, but I rationalize alternate timelines or magic ones can account for this.
Frankly the spools were something I had and liked the idea of giving for free because that's what their creator wants! They were originally fabric spools but I thought they worked well for paper.
Though these two were originally created for the print shop, as I made the cutting table I realized it could easily be used for a butcher shop meat packing, or any packing of small things.
While it is a bit prim/impact heavy, I felt like it was better to have more and be able to low-prim it if you need to, like taking out the mesh paper stacks and putting in a block prim, as example-- than to not have those stacks to give variation in the paper stack for those like me, who want it.
In the pictures there's an image of all the pieces included that create the linked objects. Those pieces are as follows.
(Paper Cutting Station linkset - 12 prims 6li)
(1) Paper spool on rack - all one mesh piece
(2) backboard cutting board - basic prim piece
(3) blank paper stack 1 - mesh piece
(4) blank paper stack 2 - same mesh piece as above
(5) blank paper stack 3 - same mesh piece as above, different tint
(6) paper shadow - mesh piece
(7) knife blade - mesh piece
(8) knife hilt - mesh piece
(9) paper cutting table shadow - mesh piece
(10) paper cutting table - mesh piece
(11) blank paper spool group 1 - all one mesh piece
(12) blank paper spool group 2 - all one mesh piece
(Blank Paper Table linkset - 11 prims 6 li)
(13 - 1) blank paper table shadow - mesh piece
(14 - 2) blank paper table - mesh piece
(15 - 3) blank paper stack shadow - mesh piece
(16 - 4) blank paper stack 4 - same as in other linkset
(17 - 5) blank paper stack 5 - same as in other linkset
(18 - 6) blank paper stack 6 - same as in other linkset
(19 - 7) blank paper stack 7 - same as in other linkset
(20 - 8) blank paper stack 8 - same as in other linkset
(21 - 9) blank paper stack 9 - same as in other linkset
(22 - 10) blank paper stack 10 - same as in other linkset
(23 - 11) blank paper stack shadow - mesh piece same as above
all pieces CAN be unlinked and moved about or resized, or deleted, etc.
NOTE: 30% of profits received (after LL's 10%) from the purchase of this product on MP are automatically sent to the Treasurer of the SSCRPG PEF (Play Enhancement Fund) in the amount of 54 L$'s for each one sold.
mesh, print, blank, press, old, antique, medieval, roleplay, prop, packing, pack, set, setting, western, wood, spool, shop, Victorian, industrial, cutting, paper, package, PEF, SSCRPG