Does your boat stop animating you after a bad crossing ? Does it give error messages about llStopAnimation ?
Then this fix is for you.
More a workaround than a fix but it will make your boat enjoyable again until the bugs during region crossings get eventually fixed.
It's a modified version of [AV]sitA and [AV]sitB scripts and is easy to install, just edit your boat, delete all [AV]sitA* and [AV]sitA* scritps then add the replacement scripts into the boat for each one missed (it will automatically add a number after). Wait a moment for AVsitter to relaod and you are done.
WARNING : do NOT replace AVsitter 1.29 by AVsitter 2.2 in your vehicle unless you know what you are doing. AVsitter 2 is an evolution of 1.29 that might break some functionalities of your vehicle if it has not been designed for it. Unlike 1.29, AVsitter 2.2 will drop ALL sit targets and create new ones. That will most likely make crewing unusable in some boats like Bandit and cause problems with some moving parts in some boats.
If your boat uses AVsitter 1.29, use my fix for 1.29.
Great fix! and so easy to use, i just deleted the avsit scripts and added these 2 and the Helper and Adjuster scripts from the avsitter 2.2 pack and it works like a charm :) no more script errors on sim crossings! Thank you so much!
Uggo is a genius
Fixed the very annoying issue, thank you very much