100% Original women's cyber corset.
Included version without fishnet.
Fit for:
- Maitreya (Lara).
- Materials enabled (must be maximum settings of graphics).
- 2 textures for corset (palette of tint limmited, only shades of gray).
- 14 textures for other decorative parts (palette of tint non-limmited).
You can add glow or shine for different group of parts.
Buying a full pack you save more 50% of price.
pic: https://flic.kr/p/243wtzH
- Materials enabled (Bumping, Specular, Shine).
- Color changer. Glow adjuster.
- Fitted for Maitreya
- 100% Original mesh.
What the hell is this HUD?
I got bought this as a gift and I've never been more baffled by a design choice.
The customization HUD is essentially just a recreation of most things you'd be able to do in the edit menu, except painstakingly remade in a HUD that crashes every other minute and for some reason takes a lifetime to load each time you attach it.
There is literally no recent to sell no-mod products outside of selling raw scripts. If this was copy/mod I could customize this to my liking in under a minute, yet here as I sit writing this it's taken me half an hour and I have to deal with half assed specular shine instead of being able to fine tune it to how I want it.
Just, please. Ditch this god awful hud, sell them as Copy/Mod and you'll likely get significantly more customers. Making something modifiable doesn't magically mean they can start copying it and sending it to other people, that's what the no-transfer flag is for. The only thing you're doing is pissing off the people who buy your stuff.