The Central Park range of designs were inspired by the vintage charm of New York's Central Park.
This new mesh fence set is designed to bring that vintage charm to any landscape. Like all of the new mesh designs it is fully modifiable as you can colour or retexture the mesh to your requirements. All new mesh designs have been created with optimized scripts, textures and mesh LODS, to minimize land impact and lag.
I hope you enjoy this simple new design and that it adds to your beautiful landscape design.
+ INCLUDED IN THIS SET+ (builds are modify/copy, scripts are copy only)
Linked sample set 4 land impact "AZ Central Park Fence Set v2" includes:
3 x AZ CP Fence
1 x AZ CP Column
2 x AZ CP Wall
1 x AZ Central Park Fence Set v2 - (1li) control box with season change script always attach last (as root prim)
**This set is created to show you three simple ways to use the three mesh designs, of course there are many more.
Also provided each of the three mesh designs, to rez and build as you wish (always linking to the AZ Fence Control Box or main AZ Central Park Controller if full set purchased) if you wish to easily change the textures for summer and winter.
AZ CP Fence - ( 0.7 li) 6 m x 2 m x 0.5 m inc 8 material faces (if you don't wish to see the column, simply retexture it's 3 material faces with the default transparent texture)
AZ CP Column - (0.5 li) 0.6 m x 0.6 m x 3 m inc 3 material faces modify as you like
AZ CP Wall - (0.6 li) 6 m x 2.2 m x 0.6 m inc 6 material faces (if you don't wish to see the column, simply retexture it's 3 material faces with the default transparent texture)
AZ Central Park Fence Control - (1 li) if you wish to change the fence textures for seasons link mesh fence items together and select to link this item last (as the root prim)
*Control box not required if you used within the Central Park Design as script control is included with the Season Texture Change Menu
EDITING - After rezzing required fence items I would suggest simply linking them together in order to minimise their land impact (li). Each item has a built in simple physical shape so that pathfinding animals and also avatars won't walk through.
I would suggest opening the "build" menu prior to rezzing anything as this allows for easy initial placement.
All new mesh designs are:
*100% Original Mesh
*Advanded Materials enabled
*Modify / Copy / NO TRANSFER
*Optimised scripts
PRIM / LI - when all items are linked together or to the controller prims li number will reduce due to prim accounting methods (setting physics in build menu for many linked items to none also reduces load)
RESIZING - mesh the results can be somewhat varied (very high counts can suddenly occur) so please use caution.
PHYSICS - where appropriate each build has a custom physics shape built in, therefore they should be kept as prim or none, not convex hull (under physics shape features in the build menu).
MATERIALS - are added in builds where they add value. If you do not like how they look or aren't able to turn the advanced materials settings on due to pc constraints then feel free to remove them from the texture tab in the build window "bumpiness" "shininess".
Enjoying building your retreat!
>>>Please note all our Marketplace pricing has been increased to compensate for fee increases in 2019. Inworld purchases remain at our standard prices.
See item in Second Life- 100% original mesh
- fence 3 season change menu
- opitmised script and textures
- high brick wall, low brick wall & metal, brick column
Texture is to dark!
the fence is amazing, but way to dark ! even darker out of marketplace. wish people would stop photo shopping their items.
Included textures are too dark! But mapping allows easy re-texturing
These are insanely good with Land impact; You can really save on prims when linking large sets of these together.
The included textures are pretty depressingly dark, but the mapping allows the use of any repeatable texture. I was able to use my own repeating brick texture and it looks great! The only problem I found was the mapping on top of the pillars tends to warp the applied texture a bit, but not too bad.