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"American Breakfast" Tray Version 3.1

"American Breakfast"  Tray

This classic American breakfast (pancakes with bacon & fried egg, coffee and juice) can be used either stand-alone, or as a prop upgrade to your bed (provided it got a "breakfast in bed" pose).

It comes with a few scripted features: the cutlery and the coffee mug vanish from the tray (toggled invisible) if you attach them (this is done by a whispered keyword by these parts, so don't go too far away when you add them):

When you touch the tray, it will also offer you the cutlery and the mug.

Although I know it is a little more complicated than "just shopping": I really like to encourage you to use it for own bed upgrades. For sure this takes a little patience and concentration, but you will be rewarded with your unique customized furniture. It is fun! (I'm doing a lot of these upgrades myself, even to renown furniture). For those who dare: I included a (very) short procedures description.

(1) the tray appears as "copy" in the contents/ inventory; this is caused by a few no-mod scripts inside. The mesh itself is copy/mod, so you can apply your own changes (color tint, etc):
(2) Study of the genuine AVsitter documentation might be necessary.

  • Blender Mesh
  • some AVsitter tools included
  • coffee mug and cutlery included
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full star full star full star full star full star Posted February 03, 2024 by SingingTwiglet

I wish I could make beauty like this, so well made!
LIcks my fingers...the food is sooo good!

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