Rigged mesh (fitted and unfitted), realistic textures, and materials. Black version only. Hoses on the backside are removable.
Contains wedge, stiletto, tiptoe, and ballet heeled feet
Will work with Default/LL, Slink Hourglass and Physique body forms, however, I make no guarantees that it will work with all avatar shapes therein. You may need to make adjustments. Purchase at your own risk.
I found these after purchasing a much more expensive pair of robotic legs that ended up not any of my mesh bodies (even though it was advertised to). These are PERFECT. Beautifully rigged, wonderful textures, and many foot options! I have these on a Slink Hourglass body and they fit just right. Buy them! You won't be disappointed.
Wonderful and sexy!
Great Looks! I am delighted - It looks more expensive than its costs. Made very carefully. Perfectly compatible with my mesh body.