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Animated Elf Snow Drift Sled Ride

Animated Elf Snow Drift Sled Ride

Demo available! This is the full version.

The little animated Christmas elf boy works hard to turn the cogs to move the sled carrying his sweetheart and her teddy bear up the big drift of snow. They move upward slowly, but when they reach the top, they glide swiftly down the hill, and all the way up the next hill too. Then they zoom down and around and come back for another ride. (loops, repeats)

A sit pose is included in the sled so you can ride, too. Hang on!

Basic Information:

The sled comes from a rezzer located in the green sign that says "Slow-Steep Hill". Left click (touch) directly on it to rez your sled. The sled travels in a set path. All you have to do is sit back for the ride and enjoy it. It loops and returns and begins again.

You need a space of 36 meters by 8 meters. Get the free demo version to try out its footprint. Lag can affect animated prims, so definitely try the demo before buying this if you live in a laggy area, or have a very slow computer.

Copy permissions. Mesh.

Land impact:
Animated boy with cogs,rezzer, and snow drifts - 11
Sled with girl and teddy bear - 7
Base prim (optional, can be deleted) - 1

  • snowy sled ride
  • mesh sledge
  • sleigh ride vehicle
  • Christmas elf
  • animated snowdrift ride
評価平均: full star full star full star full star full star
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  • 3 スター:
  • 2 スター:
  • 1 スター:
full star full star full star full star full star 掲載済み 2022/12/06 : SaintNicholass

These little elves look fun and create a nice environment, not many impact prims and good animation, perfect for the little ones, you can rezz up more than one if you want.

Good product, thank you, they will go to my collection of little mischievous helpers. ^_^

The kind of thing that makes SL wonderful!
full star full star full star full star full star 掲載済み 2017/12/29 : Rhys Goode

Thank you, thank you. I've smiling every time I get to show a friend. Great work!

full star full star full star full star full star 掲載済み 2017/11/05 : BrianTopp

great product, fun for all ages! Thank you

Very Fun!
full star full star full star full star full star 掲載済み 2016/11/26 : Nyssa Blackcinder

I had to limit my rides on this else I'd not get any work done. It is really fun and the prims for such a great toy are extremely (surprisingly) low. It's another great addition to our Christmas themed build.

Love this thing.
full star full star full star full star full star 掲載済み 2015/11/22 : Spartacus Audion

I decided to do Christmas on my sim this year. I tried the demo version of this and loved it and immediately got the full version. It functions both as a ride and as animated entertainment. Looks great and runs smoothly. And at a total land impact of 18, it has pretty good prim economy for what it is. Don't take my word for it. Try it!
